The Laws, The Spirit & The Soccer Sub-Culture
By Sharon Colwell & Patrick Murphy, CRSS
Produced in association with and hosted by...
The Center for Research into Sport and Society at the University of Leicester
First published in 2000 by Singer & Friedlander Investment Funds Limited,
21 New Street, London EC2M 4HR
" The harder you train, the
harder it is to quit!!! "
'Referees are incompetent'. 'They are ruining the game'. 'Their rigid
enforcement of the Laws disrupts the flow of play'. 'They are
inconsistent'. 'They should display more common sense'. These, and
many more rebukes are directed at officials during and after
matches. Such are the pressures and the rewards of the modern game,
it is hardly surprising that they find themselves the targets of a
more or less unrelenting attack. It will, therefore, do no harm to
stand back from the emotional cauldron that is Premier League Soccer
and bring a little detachment to bear on the subject.
The game’s ruling body, Fédération Internationale de Football
Association (FIFA) and, more specifically, the International
Football Association Board (IFAB) devise the Laws that formally
regulate football.1 As such they give expression to a collective
view about the Laws within which the game should be played. A key
aim of this committee is to ensure that their perception of what
constitutes the appropriate spirit in which the game should be
played is given regulatory authority in the Laws.
Translating a 'spirit' into effective regulation is notoriously
difficult. Firstly, it is simply not possible to capture the
'essence' of spirit in a body of laws. Secondly, no set of laws has
ever been devised which has been able to contain the dynamic
complexity of the phenomenon they are intended to regulate. Of
course, it is the case that the Laws of football are not simply the
creation of legislators working in a vacuum. The IFAB are responding
to emerging aspects of the game, which are perceived to be at
variance with their vision of how the game should be played. An
example of such a reaction was the decision to clamp down on the
tackle from behind on the eve of the 1998 World Cup Finals. Over the
years, modifications to the Laws have tended to take a piece-meal
and responsive form. This type of reactive, ad hoc approach might
prove to be more effective if the lawmakers were attempting to
regulate a game in which those who were the subjects of this
regulation - the players, coaches and managers - were more or less
committed to the same view of how the game should be played as the
legislators. The problem is that, in large measure, they are not.
Referees are charged with the responsibility of regulating a
professional game in which, particularly at the elite level, the
players, coaches and managers have a distinctively different agenda.
Undoubtedly, under the weight of considerable pressure, the
principal objective of the latter groups is to win matches and, if
possible, trophies. In pursuit of these aims many are prepared
systematically to 'use and abuse' the Laws of the Game. Some will
cite the Laws if it serves their purposes. Alternatively, some will
take refuge behind them if this course of action is also seen to
further their ends. Some will violate the Laws if they think they
can get away with it. Indeed, they will do so if the rewards are
worth the risk of the punishment that might be incurred. There may
well be conspiratorial elements to this game plan, which are
discussed in the privacy of the dressing room and the practice
field. However, for the most part, this orientation towards the game
is deeply rooted in the soccer subculture. Such is the pressure on
professional footballers that even players who prefer to play by the
Laws of the Game, tend to acquiesce in this dominant culture. It is
a subculture with its own distinctive spirit. By its very nature, it
is not systematically articulated, in public at least. Nevertheless,
it finds expression in the 'hard-men' stories that are passed down
the generations. It emerges in rueful anecdotes, which add spice to
players’ biographies, and, perhaps most interestingly, it surfaces
in the asides of ex-players, and now television commentators, such
as Ron Atkinson, Andy Gray and Alan Brazil.
This alternative orientation to the game is exemplified
in such sayings as:
- 'He got too close to him' (clattering a player from behind),
- 'It was six of one, half a dozen of the other' (both players were
fouling one another)
- 'There was nothing malicious in it' (anything from an exuberant
tackle to one which might be judged to be reckless)
- 'He did his job well, just blocking him off' (a case of
- 'He had no alternative' (a professional foul)
- 'You can't jump for the ball without raising your arms'
(illegitimate use of the arms)
- 'He's not going to be in a hurry to take this kick and I don't
blame him' (time wasting)
- 'A nothing tackle' (a foul that did not deserve the booking it
- 'A little bit of after' (a delayed, possibly premeditated,
retaliatory foul).
Taken on their own, the above statements may be read as innocuous
asides, barely worthy of comment. Taken together, and bearing in
mind the frequency with which they are employed, they are indicative
of a distinctive culture where another notion of the spirit of the
game prevails. Some of the above statements are particular ways of
describing what might be characterized as aggressive infringements,
others as ways of describing non-aggressive infringements. How then
does this subculture manifest itself on the pitch? It does so in a
wide variety of ways. The following examples are far from
- Spurious claims. These occur in the context of
throw-ins, corner kicks or goal kicks when it is clear that the
player in question knows that he had the final touch.
- Stealing territory. This end is achieved by such
actions as advancing down the line at throw-ins, taking free kicks
from a spot more advantageous than that where the incident occurred.
This can simply involve an attempt to move the ball forward a few
feet. However, when the designated spot is perceived to be too close
to the defending side's goal line the process is reversed. A
variation on these maneuvers is when the taker aims to change the
angle of delivery by moving the spot out to the wing to facilitate a
cross ball. There is no doubt managers see a few degrees variation
in angle as important, hence the wide-spread practice of taking
short corners.
- Impeding the flow of play. When one side has been
awarded a free kick, a player on the other side often stands in
front of the ball to prevent the kick being taken quickly. On other
occasions, a player making his way back from behind the ball will
suddenly change the angle of his route to marginally impede the
- Measured inaccuracy. A player on the penalized
side will ostensibly assist the opposition by retrieving and
returning the ball, only to find that his control over it has
deserted him and, unaccountably, his return goes astray.
- Taking up arms. While the game is supposed to be
played principally with the feet and the head, arms and hands are
often used. Shirts are tugged, players are held and pushed.
Outstretched arms are used as a means of maintaining control of the
ball by ensuring that the challenging player is kept at a safe
- Obstruction. This tactic takes a variety of
forms. For example, if one player is on the point of going past
another, the beaten player will aim to block or impede his
adversary's progress or make sufficient contact to change the angle
of his run. Again, if one player stands no chance of winning the
ball in an aerial dual, he will jump or stand his ground to ensure
that the chances of the opposing player getting a clear header are
reduced or prevented. Finally, when the ball is running out of play,
the player in pole position will maneuver his body in such a way as
to block any attempt to go around him. This is a legitimate tactic
if the ball is under control. However, it is often the case that the
ball is too far in front of the player for him to exercise control.
This particular form of obstruction is an interesting one because it
seems to have achieved semi-legitimate status.
- Time wasting. This takes a variety of forms. The
more obvious ones are taking longer over dead ball kicks and
throw-ins, returning the ball with varying degrees of inaccuracy or
simply kicking the ball away. There are, however, more subtle
variants, such as using late substitutions to disrupt the flow of
play, or players feigning injury or staying down longer than an
injury warrants at moments when their team is under pressure. While
the referee is empowered to add commensurate time on for time
wasting, this does not fully compensate the attacking team, because
the intention with time wasting is to disrupt the 'big push'; to
undermine any attempt by the opposition to develop a head of steam.
The irony is that these tactics are widely practiced by people who
regularly claim that overly officious referees fail to 'let the game
flow'. Incidentally, a regular tactic employed by away teams is to
try and silence the crowd in the first twenty minutes by ensuring
that the game is broken up by a number of ploys, many of them within
the Laws of the game. But the point is that the use of such a tactic
further undermines the notion that managers as a group are committed
to the principle that the game should be allowed to flow.
- Sledging. Some players try to put opposition
players off their stroke by racist or homophobic comments and other
forms of personal abuse. The performance of some players can be
badly affected by such treatment, while others seem to derive an
extra incentive from the insults. Seasoned sledgers are adept at
identifying the more sensitive individuals.
- The professional foul. This expression has come
to be a key euphemism. It is employed mainly when an opposition
player is clear of all the out-field defenders and has a clear run
on goal. In such circumstances, the adjective 'professional' adds
what some may judge to be a veneer of skill to what is very often a
crude tactic.
- Taking a dive. There is nothing new about taking
a dive to win an undeserved free kick or penalty. It is not, as is
often claimed, a recent import from more 'theatrical cultures'. For
example, in the 1960s Fulham had a winger who turned it into an art
form. It is not always easy to distinguish between a dive and an
attempt to dramatize the occurrence of an actual foul. Conversely,
it is sometimes said that had a player gone down, a free kick would
have been awarded. This 'requirement' encourages players to
embellish their falls in order to persuade referees of the justice
of their case. Having acknowledged this, it does seem that the dive
'proper' is becoming a growing feature of the English game.
- Heading is not an armless activity. It is not
possible to jump to head the ball effectively without a coordinated
action involving some use of the arms. This obvious fact is used as
a justification for a number of practices such as leading with one's
arm with the aim of blocking or impeding the jump or the vision of
other contestants, using one's elbows aggressively, placing one's
hand on the head of the competing player, and holding a player down
by various means, etc. The tactics employed tend to vary depending
on whether one is an attacker or a defender. Those who believe that
one cannot jump effectively without raising one's arms above one's
head or moving one's elbows in an aggressive fashion should observe
how players jump for headers when they are unchallenged. They will
note that elbows rarely rise above chest level. However, it is
important to acknowledge that in the context of a contested header,
arms may be used to protect the face, rather than to deliberately
impede or harm another player.
Getting to grips with the opposition. The spectacle of defenders
clinging on to attackers prior to a corner or a threatening
free-kick has become commonplace in football. Indeed, when a player
is penalized for this practice we are left wondering what was so
distinctive about this offence and why a multitude of similar
offences went unpunished.
Judge for yourself
The next time you watch a match live or on television, we invite you
to tune into the above categories of behavior. We guarantee that you
will have no difficulty in spotting multiple examples. We readily
acknowledge that there are some players who are committed to playing
in a way which is broadly in line with the Laws of the game. But
there are also many others who develop a range of alternative
illegitimate skills. Indeed, for a minority of players, if they were
deprived of this aspect of their game their professional careers
might be seriously threatened. One indication of the depth to which
some players have internalized this alternative approach is provided
by the fact that even when time is running out for their side, some
players still cannot bring themselves to retrieve the ball for their
opponents, thereby penalizing their own team.
Disposing of red herrings:
Red herring number 1: There will be some who read this article and
dismiss it as the work of 'namby-pambies' bent on emasculating the
game. This is not the case. Football is a contact sport; a highly
competitive game, one characterized by high levels of physical
aggression and commitment. There are many players who play the game
with unquestionable commitment and courage, without having ready
recourse to foul-play. All of them commit fouls, but they do not do
so as a matter of course or as a primary tactic. The game is played
at an increasingly fast pace. Mistimed tackles are inevitable and
some of these will cause serious injury. Moreover, given the
intensity of the game, there will be occasions when players lose
their heads momentarily. In contrast to this type of player there
are some who see their armory of illegitimate practices as an
essential element of their game and almost regard such practices as
weapons of first resort.
Red herring number 2: By bringing this soccer subculture to the
surface, the intention is not to mount a sweeping attack upon
professional footballers. We appreciate that they are the products
of a long established and insular tradition. We also appreciate the
pressures on them to play effectively and consistently and to win
and the pressures to remain first choice and to turn out when they
are not fully fit. Putting the spotlight on this sub-culture is not
done with the aim of denigrating players as a group, but rather with
the intention of emphasizing that this sub-culture is a crucial
dimension of the present 'refereeing crisis'. It is a crisis, which
will not be resolved simply by focusing upon the shortcomings of
referees and the Laws of the game. The entire configuration of
relationships must be taken into account if an effective strategy is
to be developed and the present refereeing crisis is to be resolved.
The principle that football is a contact sport, that it is
competitive and physically aggressive, is consistent with both the
official and sub-cultural visions of the game. It is the nature of
the contact, which is problematic. Some players, fans and perhaps
even some officials wish to retain and protect the 'rougher', and
what in effect have come to be semi-legitimate aspects of the game.
Others are less enchanted by these features and would prefer to
banish or curtail them and place the emphasis on what may be termed
'mainstream skills'.
The aim of this article has not been to ram a particular view of how
the game should be played down the throats of the readers. Rather,
the intention has been to bring the conflicting perceptions of how
it should be played to the surface so that they can be reflected
upon in a more realistic way. In a sense, the present interactions
between FIFA, The FA, referees, players and managers amounts to a
kind of phony war or perhaps, more accurately, a series of phony
skirmishes. If problems in the game are to be effectively addressed
all parties need to become more reality orientated. They need to
face up to the fact that there is no real agreement on how the game
should be played. Should the Laws be devised in such a way as to
foster and protect what are generally seen as football skills and
imaginative play, or should the Laws allow these qualities to be
mediated by what may be characterized as alternative
At present there seems to be little clarity about the line the
authorities are trying to hold. Not surprisingly, the means employed
to achieve these less than clear ends appear somewhat muddled.
Disciplinary clampdowns are interspersed by phases of greater
leniency. Ritualistic draconian punishments meted out to individual
miscreants do not address the deeply rooted sub-culture of which
they are a part. Conversely, given the burgeoning pressures on
players and managers, it is most unlikely that any attempt by the
authorities to accommodate the soccer sub-culture by a more lenient
approach will produce what seem to be the desired intentions. Quite
the opposite. All the signs are that the more the authorities bend
before the sub-culture, the more the lines will be redrawn in the
latter's favor and, at the margins, that which was once held to be
illegitimate will achieve a degree of acceptance. Indeed, it is a
process, which has long been underway. It is equally the case that
managers will continue to experience anger and frustration at the
performance of referees as long as they are not prepared to openly
confront the fact that, in a fundamental sense, their objectives are
in many respects incompatible with the Laws as they stand and the
spirit that infuses them.
Unless and until the principal parties involved frankly and openly
acknowledge that there are wide differences of opinion on how the
game should be played, the chances of developing a strategy which is
likely to facilitate a resolution of the current crisis are slim,
not to say anorexic.
1 The IFAB is
constituted of four delegates each from the home countries and four
from FIFA. Proposals for changes to The Laws of the Game are
discussed at the IFAB AGM and members of the board have the power to
grant permission for particular FAs to experiment with alterations
to the Laws. National FAs do seem to have certain latitude with
regard to the rigor with which referees interpret the Laws. In the
1999-2000 season, The FA instructed referees to use their man
management skills more effectively. In practice this has been
interpreted as an instruction to be more lenient.